VBAC Birth
Naomi has first hand experience with VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). Her first born child was delivered via c-section and she was adamant about having a vaginal birth with her second. She got to work and deeply researched the topic. She met with her OBGYN that did her initial birth surgery to get her opinion on the risks versus benefits. Her doctor agreed she was a good candidate and that it was more beneficial to have a VBAC than another cesarean. Unfortunately, her doctor’s office did not allow VBAC so Naomi was on a mission to find a provider who would support her wishes and had experience supporting VBAC. She then learned that surrounding hospitals were not very supportive of VBAC, but Naomi was determined. She was able to find a midwife who answered all of her questions with patience and compassion. She was a qualified provider who had years of experience here in the United States but also delivered babies in huts in the Philippines. Her midwife only delivered in a birthing center or within her patients’ homes. So Naomi prepared for a home birth. She was able to walk freely in the comfort of her home and labor in a birthing tub, using her shower for comfort. After about 36 hours of labor, Naomi transferred to the local hospital for some extra support. After receiving more antibiotics, a walking epidural (she could labor walking around) and Pitocin (which made her bed bound) she welcomed her baby boy of 9 lbs. 13 oz. into the world! Her total hours in labor was 40, she pushed for 3 and he was crowning for approximately 45 min. This was a situation where Naomi walked into the hospital without knowing the nurses or doctor. Thankfully, she got a good team that met with her, talked with her and supported her. Naomi shared her birthing plan and was adamant about what she wanted and got the vaginal birth she desired. This story along with her other 2 birth stories gives Naomi the understanding that birth unfolds differently each time; education is power, being prepared is important, support is crucial, and using your voice to express your boundaries and desires is empowering. Naomi wants the same for all her clients, especially her VBAC clients.
Are you interested in a VBAC birth?
In the meantime dive into these resources:
The Evidence Based Birth website, start with the about page. It is incredible the work Rebecca Dekker has done for the birthing community. You will find articles and podcasts surrounding VBACs. Her site is an incredible resource.
The Evidence Based Birth website, start with the about page. It is incredible the work Rebecca Dekker has done for the birthing community. You will find articles and podcasts surrounding VBACs. Her site is an incredible resource.